Japan (JP)

Field of application notified

​ATA Convention 

« Professional equipment » Convention 

« Exhibitions and Fairs » Convention 

« Commercial samples » Convention 

« Welfare material for seafarers » Convention 

​​Protocol to the Convention concerning facilities for touring 

Territorial coverage

​Customs territory

Other applications

​ATA Carnets are accepted for transit operations 

ATA Carnets are accepted for postal traffic. 

Temporary admission operations under national laws and regulations: 

(A) Goods temporarily admitted: 

  1. Containers for imported goods: 
    1. Cylinders, containers and other similar receptacles to be used repeatedly for transportation of goods 
    2. Bobbins which are used as receptacles at the time of importation of goods 
    3. ​Articles other than those specified in the preceding two subparagraphs, which are used as receptacles at the time of importation of goods and are designated by the Minister of Finance. 
  2. Goods to be used as containers for export goods: 
    1. Cans, bottles, barrels, pots, boxes, bags or bobbins to be used as receptacles at the time of exportation of goods 
    2. Cylinders, containers and other similar receptacles to be used repeatedly for transportation of goods 
    3. Articles, other than those specified in the preceding two subparagraphs, which are to be used as receptacles at the time of exportation of goods and are designated by the Minister of Finance. ​​
  3. Articles for academic research 
  4. Articles for trial 
  5. Articles to be used by any person exporting or importing goods, for testing the performance of, or for examining the quality of, the goods so exported or imported 
  6. Samples for soliciting orders or intended to serve as a basis for manufacturing, or photographs, films, models or other similar articles used solely as substitutes for these samples 
  7. Articles to be used at international athletic meetings, international conferences, or the like 
  8. Articles brought to Japan for use by travelling showmen in their acts, and instruments and implements brought to Japan for use by motion-picture producers for making films 
  9. ​Articles for display at exhibitions, fairs or similar events 
  10. Automobiles, vessels, aircraft or any other articles (jewellery, cameras, typewriters and any other articles which are deemed appropriate by the Customs, taking into account the period of stay in Japan of the person in question, quality and quantity of the imported articles and any other circumstances) which are imported into Japan for personal use by a person entering the country but not intending to reside there.  ​

(B) Special conditions ​

  1. The goods cited in paragraph (A​) (10) above can be transported by the person concerned or imported separately, as unaccompanied goods. Any person claiming exemption from duty on articles imported separately as unaccompanied goods shall, at the time of entry into Japan, submit to the Customs a declaration stating the description, quantity, date and place of importation and place of shipment of such articles and obtain a Customs certificate stating that this declaration has been made. The person in question shall import the said articles within 6 months after his entry into Japan, unless the Director General of Customs recognizes that special unavoidable circumstances prevent this. ​

(C) Carnets are also accepted for split consignments. 

Languages in which Carnets should be completed

​English or Japanese 

The Customs may require a translation if the Carnet is completed in any other language. 

Customs offices

​All Customs offices ​

Normal duty hours: 

  • Weekdays: 8.30 a.m. 
  • 5 p.m. – Saturdays: 8.30 a.m. 
  • 12.30 p.m. – Goods imported or exported in travellers’ baggage (except some specific goods) can be cleared at any time.  

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