The ATA carnet: for a smooth and intelligent prospecting outside Europe

An ATA carnet limits the hold-ups and the administrative rigmarole in the case of temporary import to a minimum. Are you participating in a trade fair, do you want to present prototypes to a potential customer or are you transporting your professional equipment? A single document will allow you to travel to all the member countries of the ATA chain thanks to a single internationally valid guarantee.

The ATA Carnet will make your life much easier by acting like a passport for your goods.

First of all, your passage through customs will be simpler, since a whole series of information you may be asked to provide is recorded in a single document. It will also be faster, thanks to the elimination of a series of administrative procedures both at the time of import and re-export.

The unique guarantee represented by the ATA Carnet, which is valid internationally, is also more advantageous than the accumulation of guarantees that would have to be taken in each country visited. Finally, the ATA carnet allows for less risky temporary export, without the difficulties that can arise when you recover the deposit paid on entry into a country.

To help, we offer you a manual in PDF format.

A video points to you various elements that should not be overlooked.

Do not hesitate to contact the Chamber of Commerce in your region, which will be happy to answer your questions. Have a nice trip!

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