Lebanon (LB)

Field of application notified

​Throughout Lebanese territory

Territorial coverage

​ATA Convention 

Convention on “Professional equipment” 

Convention on “Exhibitions and Fairs” 

Other applications

​ATA Carnets are not accepted for postal traffic 

ATA Carnets are accepted for the transit of goods to be exhibited at fairs or exhibitions in Lebanon or in another country with reserve that the said goods be are not prohibited or excluded for any transit regulations into Lebanon. 

Temporary admission operations under national laws:​

  • Goods, apparatus and any other new conceptions for trials and tests 
  • Cinematographic equipment 
  • Equipment and products to be exhibited at fairs and similar events 
  • Any other professional equipment (machines, apparatus or tools) imported by non Lebanese persons or firms in view of temporary use on Lebanese territory (equipment for mountings, trials, examinations, businessmen, topographies, doctors, actors or musicians, conference delegates, etc., as well as for specially equipped vehicles reserved for the same usage) 
  • Equipment for press, radio and TV correspondents (technical and recording equipment imported to make programmes, recordings or shows in the context of pre-determined programmes). ​

The prerequisite conditions are as follows: 

  • ​The above-mentioned articles must belong to either a physical or moral person living abroad and that the importer in Lebanon of these articles (if not the same person) be also a physical moral person living abroad; 
  • the beneficiary of the granted regime must be the same as the one who benefits from it; 
  • the merchandise at stake must not have been rented to a person living in Lebanon, except with regard to equipment for a common project (radio and television, for example). ​

Languages in which Carnets should be completed

​English or Arabic. If ATA Carnets are completed in another language, the Customs has the right to demand a translation. 

Customs offices

​Customs offices are authorized to accept ATA Carnets seven days a week and 24 hours a day. 

Special observations

​Goods prohibited in Lebanon which cannot benefit from temporary admission or transit through Lebanon​

  • Security prohibitions: arms, bombs, etc; 
  • Political prohibitions: goods from Israel 
  • Hygienic prohibitions: drugs and psychotropic substances 
  • Ethical prohibitions: pornographic tapes and films ​

The Lebanese Customs Authorities had allowed since 1998 the temporary importation of jewellery under cover of ATA Carnets with the following conditions: 

  • The jewellery must be displayed in public exhibitions and NOT in priv​ate exhibitions or shops; 
  • The holder of the ATA Carnet must enclose with the Carnet color photos of the exhibits in order to facilitate their identification upon importation and especially upon re-exportation; 
  • The holder of the ATA Carnet must indicate in the Carnet’s general list full and detailed description of the jewellery (weight, nature, shape, components, etc.); 
  • The jewellery must be fully re-exported at the end of the exhibition. ​

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