Albania (AL)

Field of application notified

Istanbul Convention and all its Annexes 

Other applications

ATA Carnets are accepted for transit. 

ATA Carnets are not accepted for postal traffic. 

ATA Carnets are not accepted for unaccompanied goods.

Languages in which Carnets should be completed

​English. The Customs may require a translation when ATA Carnets are completed in any other language.

Customs offices

​All Customs offices of Albania are entitled to handle ATA Carnets during their opening hours. 

Tel: 356145
Fax: 356145
Tel: 371609,056460200
Fax: 056460200 
Tel: 052-23134/24500
Fax: 052-24499 
Tel: 05452483
Fax: 05453743 
Tel: 0824-3188/3828
Fax: 0824-3188) 
Tel: 0852-2565/4602/5609
Fax: 0852-2565 
Tel: 03422009
Fax: 03422009 
Tel: 08467270/088490111
Fax: 08467270 
Tel: 0224-0245/0244
Fax: 0224-0245 
Tel: 0824-5658/2302
Fax: 0824-5658)
Tel: 0281-2200 / 3593/2575
Fax: 0281-2200
Tel: 0242-2369/2816
Fax: 0242-2816
Tel: 032-30250/4239
Fax: 03234239 
Tel: 0292-20430/20431
Fax: 0292-20430 
Fax: 033-24627
Tel: 033-24627/9316 
​Tre Urat
Tel: 08132344
Fax: 08132344 
​Q. Thane
Tel: 0832-2466/3240/2240
Fax: 0832-246


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